I admit I have a thing to weird veggies, and also to every grocery and food market on Earth. Maybe it’s even addition. When I go to the market I’m always attacked by plenty of colours and flavours. It seems that every vegetable whisper to me: take me! Suddenly I’m in need of everything that comes to my sight. I have so many meals ideas in my head. And when I leave the market I have plenty of things which I don’t need for the meal I’m doing this day. But I’m extremely happy when I found something special, rare or weird veggie. The lady who sales in my fav grocery is always happy when she sees me, because she knows that I will buy the things other people never notice.
Same thing happened with Romanesco broccoli/cauliflower. It was just lying on the front shelf, alone and beautiful. Nobody seems to be interested in it. So I had to give it a chance.
I was thinking what to do with this cute, green alien-like veggie. I knew that soup or sauce is not an option. It’s to pretty. So I decided to go simple way. Fried Romanesco with garlic, lemon juice and caper vinaigrette. And it was delicious!
3 servings
1 Romanesco broccoli
3 tbsp olive oil
1-2 cloves garlic
juice from 1/4 to 1/2 lemon
Caper vinaigrette:
based on recipe from Vegetable Literacy
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 shallot
1/2 clove garlic
1 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp olive oil
freshly ground pepper
1 tbsp chopped chives
1/2 tbsp chopped parsley
1 1/2 tbsp capers, rinsed
1. Wash broccoli and broke into small florets. Mince garlic. Heat the oil on large pan. Add broccoli florets and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Cooking time depends on if you like it more soft or no. You can add 1-2 tbsp water from time to time during cooking. Few minutes before the end of cooking ad garlic. Season with salt and pepper. At the end pour lemon juice in the amount you like.
2. Mince onion and garlic. Combine the vinegar, onion, garlic and 1/8 tsp slat. Let stand for 10 minutes, then vigorously whisk in the mustard and oil until thick and smooth. Stir in parsley, chives, capers (rinsed and drained). Season with pepper.
Serve Romanesco broccoli with vinaigrette.
Nutrition info:
1 serving:
258 calories
protein: 4,3 g; fat: 22 g; carbohydrates: 12 g, fibre: 4 g;
iron: 1,5 mg; calcium: 54 mg; zinc: 0,8 mg
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