Zucchini, the queen of the summer and autumn. It’s on every polish plate. Successfully year by year wins with my beloved aubergine and dominates barbecues and dinners. Served as an lecho, en mass, or fried as chops. Sometimes served stuffed or even raw. In my grandma’s garden, zucchini throw its weighs around this year.
We gave zucchini to our neighbours, friends and family and still we had plenty for ourselves. We put it jars as marinated one, we fired, baked etc. To be honest I started to be overwhelmed by it and a bit bored. But just when I decided to give up zucchini this year I came up with idea of zucchini soups. I started with green one. Colorful and delicious. This time I have another zucchini soup for you accompanied by roasted tomatoes. Taste is mostly delicate, but you can fill strong aroma thanks to roasted tomatoes. Just wonderful and easy to prepare!
Base on book about tomatoes by C. Schinaharl
Roasted tomato soup
with zucchini
8 servings
Rosted tomatoes:
1000g tomatoes
few fresh thyme stems*
4 cloves garlic
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp agave nectar
800g zucchini
1 large leek (white part)
2 tbsp olive oil
1,5 l vegetable stock
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
salt, pepper
* you can use dried one as well
1. Dice tomatoes. Cut garlic into thin slices. In the roasting pan mix diced tomatoes, fresh thyme, garlic, 3 tbsp olive oil and 2 tsp agave nectar. Sprinkle with salt.
2. Bake in 200C/400F for 25 minutes until tomatoes start to get brown on the edges.
3. Meanwhile peel the zucchini (if you use young zucchinis you don’t nedd to peel them, because their skins are thin). Dice zucchinis. Cut the white part of leek into slices.
4. In the large pot heat 2 tbsp olive oil. Add leek an zucchinis and cook until soft. Add vegetable stock, bring to boil and cook for additional 10 minutes. Add roasted tomatoes. Blend until smooth. Season with 1 tbsp red wine vinegar, salt and pepper.
Nutrition info
1053 calories
protein: 24 g; fats: 72 g; carbohydrates: 95g, dietary fibre: 19 g;
iron: 13 mg; calcium: 372 mg; zinc: 5 mg
1 serving:
132 calories
protein: 3 g; fats: 9 g; carbohydrates: 12g, dietary fibre: 2,4 g;
iron: 1,6 mg; calcium: 47 mg; zinc: 0,6 mg
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