It seems, in hot summer days, there is no need to eat at all. Lemonades, ice creams are sufficient and they taste incredibly delicious. However we need to eat something! Staying and cooking in hot kitchen is not an option! Quick and simple dish is what we need. Something that fill our stomachs, but fresh and delicious as well. And of course with seasonal veggies.
For me the best solution for summer dinner are dishes that don’t need frying and baking. My favourites are summer rolls made of rice paper, stuffed with fresh herbs and a lot of lime juice.
My rice paper wraps don’t look like spring or summer rolls, they are more like pouches. You can roll your spring rolls, your way. The most important thing is the stuffing. Main ingredients is my beloved fresh coriander. Mung beans noodles, green peas and peanuts are perfect for summer stuffing. Remember to add a lot of fresh ginger and lime juice. Soy sauce an sesame oil for seasoning. And a slice of avocado at the end! Perfection!
This summer rolls are delicate and refreshing dinner option. Taste great with teriyaki sauce, chilli and additional coriander. Perfect for dining outside.
Summer rolls
with coriander, green peas and avocado
for about 22 small rolls
200g green peas*
1 ripe avocado
2 scallions with leaves
100g mung bean noodles
100g peanuts
1 chili
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 tbsp sesame oil
3-4 tbsp soy sauce
juice from 1/2 lime**
bunch of fresh coriander
22 small sheets of rice paper
*frozen or fresh
** or more to taste
1. Put the green peas in boiling, salted water with a pinch of sugar. Cook until soft (6-7 minutes). Slice avocado. Cook noodles as told on the box. Mince chili and ginger.
2. In a bowl mix cooked and drained noodles, peanuts, peas with ginger, chili and sesame oil. Season with soy sauce and lime juice (1/2 lime or more).
3. Soak rice paper in a wate until soft. Put few coriander leaves on it. Next put the stuffing and avocado slice on top. Cover the filling with the upper side of paper, the cover it with the left and right side and finally with the bottom part. Serve with teriyaki.
Summer rolls (22 rolls):
2 038 calories
protein: 64 g; fat: 90 g; carbohydrates: 252 g, fiber: 33,8 g;
iron: 10,9 mg; calcium: 384 mg; zinc: 7,8 mg
1 summer rolls:
92 caloreis
protein: 2,9 g; fat: 4,11 g; carbohydrates: 11,5 g, fiber: 1,5 g;
iron: 0,5 mg; calcium: 17 mg; zinc: 0,35 mg