Maybe I mentioned it before, that I’m a poppyseed purist. For me a perfect poppy seed cake has to meet very strict criteria. There should be no mixed fruit in poppyseed filling. I like to eat clean poppyseed cakes! No extra things, no surprises. The poppy seed has to be the king. It’s not easy to find such a cake, because most of people add nuts and raisins to their cakes. They also add a lot of pastry or make huge sponge biscuits, which take away all poppyseed taste. But finally I came up with a great idea for perfect poppyseed cake. I wasn’t sure it would be edible at all. But when my made it and tasted it my palate went crazy. This cake is so perfect and delicious for me, that I probably never make classical version of this cake. What is more this cake is totally raw, no bake, no flour, no white sugar. Amazing!
Crust is made of ground walnuts and hazelnuts with raisins. So there is the stuff I don’t like to be in poppyseed cake, but they are in the different layer than poppy seeds. In the filling there are also cashews and orange juice. All together give this delicious, a little Christmas like taste. Yum!
for 16cm spring form pan
8 servings
1/2 cup walnuts (60g)
1/2 cup hazelnuts (65g)
1 cup raisins (150g)
pinch of salt
pinch of ground nutmeg
Poppyseed filling:
1 cup poppy seeds (140g)
100g raw cashews
1/3-1/2 cup (up to 120ml) agave nectar
3 tbsp orange juice
5 tbsp coconut oil
2 tsp organe peel
few drops almond extract
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tsp carob
1 tbsp orange juice
In the food process or grinder, grind walnuts and hazelnut to make a flour. Chop raisins finely. Mix all well. Add salt and nutmeg. The crust is perfect when the ingredients hold together and nothing fall apart when you roll a piece of crust in your hand. Spread the crust into sprig-form pan and press firmly to make solid base for cashew filling.
Poppyseed filling:
Soak cashew and poppy seeds overnight. Melt the coconut oil. First blend poppyseeds with agave nectar and orange juice for a while. Then add the rest of ingredients a blend it until creamy but you should feel the poppy seeds (don’t blend it into a pulp). Spread the filling on the crust and put in the freezer for about 60 minutes.
Melt the coconut oil. Mix it with carob and orange juice until smooth. Spread it over poppyseed filling. Put in the freezer again for 30 minutes.
Store in the refrigerator.
3637 calories
protein: 68 g; fat: 251 g; carbohydrates: 317g, dietary fibre: 62,3 g;
iron: 28,6 mg; calcium: 2081 mg; zinc: 21,7 mg
1 serving:
454 calories
protein: 8,5 g;fat: 31,3g; carbohydrates: 39g, dietary fibre: 7,8 g;
iron: 3,6 mg; calcium: 261 mg; zinc: 2,7mg: 2,71 mg
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