I’m one of those people, who loves seaweeds. The rest (and by the rest I mean the majority) of society are quite skeptic about them. When they hear the word “algae” their faces started to look weird: frown, crinkled, with eyes rolling. Then they became vocal: yuck, phew, ugh and finally “who eats that stuff?!”
Well, I do. And I’m proud of it! I love seaweed, especially I adore those spicy seaweed snack, which I got form Vegan Swap package.
What is the most wierd thing about hating algaes, is that even vegetarians and vegans are not fond of them. They claim that seaweed smells like fish.
It’s really hard to like something so unpopular, especially when everybody tells you it’s “yuck”. I decided to change your minds and show you that algaes are delicious! To begin I recommend to try vegan sushi, then maybe a nori wrap with fresh veggies and cashew sauce. But finally, you just HAVE TO try these nori burgers!
They are made of celery root with a little bit of flax-seed oil (full of good omega acids). The most important ingredient is of course seaweed, which gave this burgers intense “sea” aroma. Yes sea, because algae is a see-fruit and it smells just like real sea. Not like fish!
Nori burgers are perfect served with home-made buns, vegan mayo, sprouts and pickles. Instead of ketchup you can use muhammara.
for about 10 burgers
1 kg celery root
1 large onion
5-7 nori sheets*
2 tbsp flaxseed oil
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp capers
100g instant oat flakes
2 tbsp lemon juice
1-2 tsp dried, powdered onion
1 tsp smoked paprika
5 tbsp bread crumbs
* add ad much as you want
1. Wash celery and cut into smaller pieces. Cook in salted water with bay leaf and all spice, until tender.
2. Chop the onion and capers. Soak noris in water, than drain them.
3. When celery get cool, peel the and blend to puree. Add onion, seaweed, flaxseed oil and capers. Blend until smooth.
4. Add ground (in food processor of food mill) oat flakes and bread crumbs. Add lemon juice, soy sauce. Season with salt, pepper, onion and paprika. Mix well.
5. Form about 10-12 patties (shoul be quite flat) in size of a palm. Bake in 180C/360F on the oiled baking tray, 25 each side.
Nutrition info:
1 burger:
109 calories
protein: 3,1 g; fat: 3,7 g; carbohydrates: 17 g, dietary fibre: 2,6 g;
iron: 3,8 mg; calcium: 73 mg; zinc: 0,7 mg