Frittedda, something between soup and stew. I am always amazed how spectacular simple dishes can taste. It’s typical for Italian cooking to use simple ingredients and simple methods to create extraordinary flavors. That’s why I love their cuisine so much. They can appreciate seasonal vegetables and they always try to emphasize the taste and structure of each ingredient.
Fittedda has all I look for in spring/summer. Plenty of fresh vegetables accompanied with simple seasoning like olive oil and capers. You read the recipe and you just know it’s gonna be delicious, comforting and full of umami. And when you eat it next day the flavors will get even better.
So grab a bag, run to the nearest market and buy all those fresh veggies to make the most delicious stew of this summer. Italian style!
based on recipe from „VEGETABLES” A.CARLUCCIO
4 servings
600G small artichokes*
400G young onion
300G green peas
300G fava beans
4 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp capers
100ML olive oil
Salt and pepper
* the best are the smallest and the youngest, you can use part of the stem, the heart and some inner leaves (purple ones)
- Prepare artichokes. Here you can find some instructions. Depending on size and age of artichoke you can use the heart and part of the stem only or leave some inner leaves.
- Slice onions
- Place all veggies with caper and parsley in casserole pot. Add olive oil and some water to cover half of vegetables.
- Cook on a low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.