It seems that there is no more banal dish from winter squash than soup. Of course this classic version with coconut milk and ginger, so obvious, so boring. In autumn pumpkin soup is waiting for you almost everywhere, in favourite restaurants (even in some cafes), at your friend and even at home. You cannot hide, so you need to face this soup and simply change it in something delicious and new!
This refreshing element you can add to elevate flavours is miso paste! Genius, isn’t it? How often you add miso to your soups? And I’m not talking about misoshiru, obviously. Well, I’ve neveruse a miso paste that way, until I read this recipe in Vegetable Literacy. By the way, vegan, vegetarian or totally meat lover, you NEED to have this book, the recipes are so amazing.
So, I made this soup right away and tasting it I was even more amazed of flavours. Instead of mediocre, boring winter squash soup I have party of aromas in my mouth. The tastes are strong, but yet everything is in the right place. I usually mess with recipes and change them, but this one is no need to be changed, not a little bit! Butternut squash soup with miso is a must for every foodie to try.
You can add cooked rice, sprinkle it with more sesame oil or use smoked paprika to serve.
Butternut squash soup with miso
and ginger
5 porcji
1 butternut squash
2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
1 large onion
1 heaping tbsp ginger, minced
2 tsp paprika flakes*
1 tsp ground turmeric
½ cup fresh cilantro leaves/stems
1 can coconut milk (400ml)
3 cups water
juice from ¾-1 lime
2 tbsp light miso paste
To serve:
toasted sesame oil
smoked paprika
fresh cilantro
* you can also use ground paprika- mix some sweet with hot one
1. Cut squash crosswise into 2 pieces in the spot where rounded part begins. Cut the rounded end in half lengthwise and steam it over simmering water until really soft. Peel the neck of squash and cut it into 1cm cubes. Chop cilantro and onion.
2. In a large pot heat the oil. Add ginger, onion and squash cubes. Cook over medium heat for few minutes, stirring occasionally. Next add paprika flakes, turmeric and cilantro. Season with salt (1½tsp). Cook for 3 minutes. Add coconut milk and 3 cups water. Bring to a boil and cook simmering for about 25 minutes, until squash is soft.
3. Cool down steamed squash. Scoop out and discard the seed. Scoop out the pulp. Add about 1 cup cooked soup to the pulp and blend to puree. Pour it into the soup. Add lime juice- to tatse. Add miso paste- remember not to boil soup after adding miso.
Serve with rice, fresh cilantro (or smoked paprika, or sesame oil).
Nutrition info:
Buttnernut squash soup with miso- 1 serving:
309 calories
protein: 4,6 g; fat: 23 g; carbohydrates: 28,8 g, fiber: 2,6 g;
iron: 2,6 mg; calcium: 106 mg; zinc: 0,9 mg