Even there is a season for black turnip in Poland, I haven’t seen many people buying this root. We often choose well- known veggies like potatoes, carrots, celery roots, even white turnip instead of black one.
But I have this weird feelingS about black turnip. Why weird? Well, the smell of raw, unpeeled black turnips in some mysterious way reminds me of Khartoum.
I was there like 3 years ago, but still when I put my nose to the turnip skin all memories come back! So thanks to black turnip I travel miles away and visit all places in Khartoum.
So I decided to make a dish which will contain some “African” ingredients and black turnips. Just to celebrate this weird coincidence. I found a perfect solution in my favourite cookbook “Roots”. I modified and veganise a recipe for turnip ghanoush. I also added black onion seeds, called nigella or sometimes black cumin.
The taste of this spread is really interesting! Delicious!
(about 2 cups)
500g black turnips
1/3 cup dates
1/3 cup water
¼ cup soy milk
2 tbsp tahini
3-4 tbsp lemon juice
½ clove garlic
1 tbsp nigella
salt, pepper
1. Wash turnips. Place unpeeled turnips in the oven and roast for about 45-50 minutes in 400F/200C. When they are ready, transfer them to the pot and cover with a lid. Set aside to cool down.
2. Now the most important part of recipe. You need to peel turnips thoroughly. You should remove black skin, and all fibrous underneath. If you leave any of them, their bitterness will ruin this spread.
3. Chop dates and combine them with water. On the medium heat bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes.
4. Cut turnips in cubes. Mix all ingredients and blend until smooth. Add more lemon juice if needed. Season with black onion seeds, salt and pepper.
Serve with fresh coriander leaves or parsley leaves.
Nutrition info:
501 calories
protein: 27,8 g, fat: 19,7g; carbohydrates: 60g, dietary fiber: 21g
iron: 12 mg; calcium: 826 mg; zinc: 4,2 mg
1 łyżka:
16,7 calories
protein: 0.92 g,fat: 0,65g; carbohydrates: 2g, fiber: 0,7g
iron: 0,4 mg; calcium 28 mg; zinc: 0,14 mg
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