Today I have this amazing autumn dish for you. The idea comes to me by accident, when I realized that I had to many aubergines and plums in my kitchen. It was funny coincidence because I went shopping and there were very cheap aubergines, so I decided to buy them. The same thing happened to my boyfriend. So we have twice aubergines we needed. And plums which I brought form my garden started to be dangerously too ripe. So I had no choice. I had to make a dish which has aubergines and plums both as ingredients. After a while I came up with idea of stuffed eggplants with sauce made of plums.
But what should I made the stuffing of? It should be something strong in taste, like my favourite buckwheat groats. A perfect companion is lively orange carrot and yellow pepper. I was thinking to add some mushrooms, but finally I chose champignons, more neutral in taste.
The combination came out perfect. Buckwheat groats fit perfect to delicate aubergines and plum sauce. The dish is really autumn-like, with mixture of sweet and savoury flavours. Delicious!
8 halves
4 aubergines
8 tsp canola oil*
100g uncooked buckwheat groats**
2 carrots
300g champignons
1 yellow pepper
2 tbsp canola oil
½ cup vegetable stock
salt, pepper
Plum sauce:
500g fresh plums
4-5 tsp agave nectar
1/8 cup red wine vinegar
2 garlic cloves
ground sweet pepper
* 1 tsp on each of aubergines’ half
** a little more than ½ cup
Cut aubergines lengthways and scoop out the pulp. Be careful not to cut the skins. Season with salt and set aside. Pour excessive water from halves ( it’s thanks to salt). Oil the halves of aubergines (1 tsp on each half).
Chop pepper and champignons. Grate carrots. On the large frying pan heat the oil (2 tbsp). Add pepper, champignons, carrots and aubergine pulp. Pour vegetable stock and braise until veggies are soft and all excessive fluids evaporate.
Cook buckwheat groats and add to veggies. Season the stuffing with salt, pepper.
Stuffed halves of aubergines with it. Bake in 180 C (360F) for about 45minutes until aubergines are soft.
Plum sauce:
Chop plums finely. Add to small pot and pour a little bit of water. Cook on low heat until plums are soft with jam consistency. Add vinegar, agave nectar and minced garlic. Season with salt, pepper and sweet ground pepper.
Nutrition info:
1 half:
210 calories
protein: 4,5 g; fat: 9,5 g; carbohydrates: 33 g, dietary fibre: 6,8 g;
iron: 1,1 mg; calcium: 23 mg; zinc: 0,8 mg
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