Recently, I’ve noticed I have a thing with green smoothies. First, the one with parsley leaves, than with matcha, and now lightly green drink with avocado.
It’s not really a smoothie, because it’s not very thick. It’s rather the refreshing drink with intense cardamom taste.
This avocado drink is perfect for hot summer days, especially when you want to eat spicy, Indian food.
Let’s go through the ingredients. First, avocado, but you know probably better than me how good it is. Full of vitamins, minerals, good fats. And this uplifting green colour!
What about cardamom? There is two kinds of elaichi (because that’s its Indian name). The green cardamom, called choti or true cardamom, had smaller pods and it’s perfect for desserts and drinks. Badi, the deep brown one, is more intense in taste and gives our dishes strong spicy taste.
I recommend to buy cardamom in pods and ground it at home. This way you always have fresh intense taste of cardamom.
Besides the specific taste of cardamom it has also some healthy benefits. It’s good for our stomach, helps to digest properly. Chewing cardamom helps with heartburn and indigestion. Cardamom also calm down nausea and vomiting. It helps with oral problems, such as bad breath.
This recipe is form “Prashad. Indian Vegetarian Cooking”
4 servings, 130ml each
500 ml vegetable milk*
1-2 tbsp agave nectar
1 avocado**
1 tsp ground green cardamom seeds
* it can be soy, almond, whichever you like
**if avocado is unripe , put it into paper bag with an apple to make it ripe
Peel and chop avocado. Blend all the ingredients until smooth (1 minute) and drink!
You can add bananas and have more smoothie-like drink, especially when you throw in a few ice cubes.
Nutrition info:
1 serving (about 130ml) :
109 calories
protein: 4,2 g; fat: 7 g; carbohydrates: 7,8 g, dietary fiber: 3 g;
iron: 0,75 mg; calcium: 155 mg; zinc: 0,23 mg