Few month ago I’ve shown you delicious mayonnaise sauce made of millet. But I’ve started to looking for sth more creamy and thick in texture. Finally, I found it: mayo made of avocado. When I look or prepare mayonnaise, I want it to be not only delicious, but also healthy, with minimal oil content. I don’t want to make the exact copy of “real” mayonnaise, too. I know is really nice to come back to the tastes which are not any more in our diet. But I think some people may start to perceive vegan as a diet based on substitutes. But that is completely untrue.
Beside, if I make a cheese from almonds or eggless mayos, main main goal is not to made an identical copy of non vegan version. The name “cheese” is only a tip for what you can do with it, or what texture this may have. But the taste is completely different thing. Despite some resemblances to the original, the taste wil be always slightly different. And why would cashews, almonds or avocado pretend to e cheese or eggs? They have to show their own taste too.
And that’s what love the most about vegan kitchen. Often looking for the old tastes, we fund new, even better ones.
I don’t know if may avocado mayonnaise can be described as: identical, just like regular mayo, but I know for sure that this mayonnaise is delicious, creamy and perfect for burgers, sandwiches and salads.
Based on this recipe
200 ml
2 ripe avocados
4 1/2 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp granulated garlic
4 tbsp canola oil
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1tsp sugar
pinch of sweet paprika
salt, granulated garlic to taste
Peel avocados.Blend all the ingredients, until smooth an creamy. Season with salt and granulated garlic
Store in refigerator for 4-5 days.
Nutrition info:
Whole (200ml):
965 calories
protein: 5,6 g; fat: 97 g; carbs: 28 g, fibre: 19 g;
iron: 1,6 mg; calcium: 34 mg; zinc: 1,8 mg
1 tsp:
24 calories
protein: 0,14 g; fat: 2,4 g; carbs: 0,7 g, fibre: 0,5 g;
iron: 0,04 mg; calcium: 0,9 mg; zinc: 0,045 mg
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