Since I’ve seen this photo, I knew that I HAVE TO do this amazing cashew cheesecake with rhubarb, no matter what. I had so much things on my mind (exams), but this cake become my priority. I managed to find some time to buy ingredients, but it seemed that there would be no time to do it. Finally, I made it! I also took photos, because I knew that this recipe couldn’t stay in the darkness. I wanted to share this recipe with you as soon as possible. So, you have to have to try it, before rhubarb disappear from groceries!
And here it is. The cust is made of walnuts and dried cranberries. Next comes a creamy, delicious cashew filling. The king of this cake is rhubarb, intense in flavour and colour. Pure perfection!
Beautiful to look at. Amazing in taste, despite those who claim that millet tart is better.
Because of cooking rhubarb this recipe is not raw, but it’s 100% gluten free and of course vegan.
I found inspiration for my rhubarb cheesecake here.
(for a 16cm springform pan)
8 servings
½ cup walnuts (65g)
½ cup cranberries (70g)
¼ tsp salt
1 cup cashews (120g)
1 cup desiccated coconut (100g)
1/3 cup lemon juice (70ml)
1/3 cup agave nectar (70ml)
1/3 cup coconut oil (70 ml)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Rhubarb frosting:
3-4 rhubarb stalks (around 360g)*
¼ cup lemon juice (50ml)
2-3 tbsp agave syrup
* 2 ½ cup chopped rhubarb
I advice you to prepare rhubarb frosting first, because it has to cool down before you spread it on cake.
Grind walnuts to make flour (you can use blender). Chop cranberries. Mix walnuts and cranberries with salt. The crust is perfect when the ingredients hold together and nothing fall apart when you roll a piece of crust in your hand. Spread the crust into sprigform pan and press firmly to make solid base for cashew filling.
Cashew filling:
Soak cashew overnight. Melt coconut oil (it has to be liquidised). Put all “cashew filling” ingredients in food procesor (hand blender is also fine) and blend until really smooth and creamy. Perfect filling shouldn’t have moulds, so it may take some time to blend it.
Spread the filling on the crust and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Rhubarb frosting:
Finely chop rhubarb. In pan mix together rhubarb, agave syrup and lemon juice. Cook on medium heat until rhubarb dissolve and frosting looks like jam. Set aside to cool down. Spread frosting on the cashew layer and put into freezer until become frim.
You can store this cake in a freezer and remove it 30 minutes before eating.
Nutritional info:
Whole cake (8servings):
2941 calories
protein: 43g; fat: 224g; carbohydrates: 210g; dietary fibre: 40g;
iron: 14,4mg; calcium: 412 mg; zinc: 11,4 mg
One serving:
367 calories
protein: 5,3g; fat: 28g; carbohydrates: 26g; dietary fibre: 5g;
iron: 1,8mg; calcium: 52 mg; zinc: 1,4mg
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