Sweets without sugar? Is this even possible and what exactly does it mean? Is the be no sugar at all in lime cashew cheesecake?
Both yes and no, twisted answer.
If by sugar you mean all kind of artificial, processed sweeteners like white sugar, cane sugar, agave nectar etc, then yes, there will be no such thing in my cake.
But if by sugar you mean carbohydrates, then of course my cake contains a lot. Just like every other dish on this planet. There will be some complex carbs in this cake, but also simple like fructose, but only from fresh fruits. Fruits helped me a lot in making lime cashew cheesecake more sweet. Still those sugar are not processed and 100% natural.
To sum up this lime cashew cheesecake is sweetened by sugar from fresh fruits and contains no processed sugars. In my opinion is much healthier and contains quite a lot proteins, calcium and iron.
But I have to warn you, you shouldn’t except sweetness exploding in your mouth while eating this cake. A delicate, sweet flavour should be expected. There’s lime cake, so the lime taste will be dominant. Lime with a pinch of vanilla nicely contrasts with sweet crust made of dates.
Lime cashew cheesecake is totally in opposite to liquorish peanut butter muffins with chocolate. And much more halethier than my other cheesecakes: with avocado and carob, poppyseed one and with rhubarb. The are also helathy, but lime one is the healthiest one!
Besides using fruit to sweeten, this cake contains also no coconut oil, used in previous cake like this. I choose agar instead. To make cheesecake creamy I used coconut milk, which is also fatty, but for less processed than coconut oil.
But why I decided to turn in agave nectar and coconut oil in cakes like this?
To stop using coconut oil convince me Marta from blog Szpinakowa Wróżka. I thought this was an excellent idea! Though using agar consistency of cheesecake is different. Then I started to think if I’m don’t use coconut oil, because is processed, why I use agave nectar which is even more artificial. I know there is a lot of good press about agave nectar- “helathier than a sugar”, “contains some magical substances”. But I started thinking basing on my knowledge. It’s true that you use smaller amount of agave necatr comparing to white sugar. And is also true that it has lower glicemic index. Glicemic index shows us how quickly sugar are absorbed and transformed to glucose in our blood. Lower is the better. So even it might be slightly healthier than sugar, still is an processed substances and using fruits as sweetens is much more healthier.
Lime cashew cheesecake
without sugar
for 16cm-diameter baking pan
8 servings
½ cup walnuts (60g)
½ cup dates (60g)
pinch of salt
200g cashews
1 medium pear
½ medium banana
juice from 2 limes
skin from 1 lime
pulp from 1 lime
1 cup coconut milk*
vanilla exctract
3 tsp powdered agar
12 tbsp hot water
* still part
1. Grind walnuts. Add chopped/mashed dates and pinch of salt. Mix well, until sticky dough is formed. Put the crust into baking pan, pressing firmly. Set aside in refrigerator.
2. Soak cashews overnight. Peel and cut the cores from pear. Grate skin from 1 lime. Chop the zest from 1 lime. Juice 2 limes. Blend cashews, milk, pear, banana, vanilla, lime zest, skin and juice, until really smooth (it may take a while).
In a small saucepan mix agar with hot water bring to a simmer/ light boiling. Add to the filling and blend again.
3. Pour the filling on the crust. Put in the refrigerator to gel (about 2 hours).
Nutrition info:
Whole lime cashew cheesecake:
2 425 calories
protein: 54 g; fat: 183 g; carbohydrates: 198 g,dietary fiber: 30g;
iron: 23 mg; calcium : 324 mg; zinc: 16,2 mg
1 serving:
303 calories
protein: 6,7 g; fat: 22,8 g; carbohydrates: 24,7 g, dietary fiber: 3,75g;
iron: 2,9 mg; calcium: 41 mg; zinc: 2 mg
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