Today, instead of a vegan recipe I have a surprise for you guys! A little trip! It’s so cold outside, that I think a moment with sunny and warm memories is the best you can do. Few weeks ago I discovered that I had some analog photos from my summer trip to Slovenia. They really cheered me up, so I decided to share it with you!
But before Slovenia, there was one day in Vienna, but only two analog photos.
The entrance to the Mekka for food bloggers- Babette’s. A bookshop with cookbooks and spices! It was sooo amazing!
An unusual way of foam mattress storage. Quite wierd.
Going south, direction Slovenia!
First a short walk through narrow streets of Ptuj. Ptuj is worth visiting because of good wine, but also an architecture is adorable.
A lovely afternoon in Maribor with wandering and drinking coffe in the Old Town…
Ok, it was more than a coffe in Maribor, we were fast-fooding in the Loving Hut.
Next city: Ljubljana. We spent two days in this stunning city. We walk through old part of the city, stopped in cafes, enjoy the classical atmosphere of the old arichtecture.
Hanging shoes is the most characteristic thing for this city.
A vegan restaurant in the narrow and long streeet full of shops with vegan food. Unfortunaltely we were to full to eat anything there.
And shoes again.
The most interesting part of Ljubljana (for us) is Metelkova Mesto, which is a social and cultural spot, former squat. In the evening it’s loud and crowdy, full of people talking, dancing watching concerts and movies. Perfect place for artistic souls. If you want to admire the artist’ work you have to visit Metelkova in the daylight and see all the amazing paintings, installations, exhibitions. Really mindblowing!
This is the end of the analog trip. More about my holiday in Slovenia on the blog soon!