Heading back home from warm and sunny Croatia we made a quick decision to visit Trieste. We were stunned by the enormous size of the city and plethora of style, from old town, through housing estates to the harbour part. Having a little time we decide to see the old part of the city.
Come and join us on the afternoon walk in Trieste!
Walking with no planned direction we were mostly surrounded by crowds. This part of Trieste is full of life. People talking, laughing. Plenty of shops, cafes, restaurants. I saw a dogs on every corner, enjoying the walk with their owners. Really nice walk, and there is always a narrow street you can turn in and have more quite atmosphere.
Of course we stopped for Italian dinner, in vegan way! We chose random restaurant near river bank. The pasta with fresh tomato sauce was so delicious and aromatic! And amazing pizza with almost no toppings. Yum! Drinking wine and coffee we were contemplating this weird city, the mixture of old townhouses and huge harbour.